
Language Access
The All for All Language Access Subcommittee is offering one-hour language access training for your organization. The training includes resources that will help you foster better relationships with members of your community who use languages other than English.
Contact us for more information!

Education Rights
Know your Educations Rights is a a learning series for immigrant and refugee parents and caregivers of children in Kindergarten through Grade 12.
Language Access
English Learner Education
Special Education for students with disabilities workshop
Special Education for gifted and talented students
Discipline and behavior support
Contact us for more information!

Cross-Cultural Mental Health Roundtable
A monthly meeting for networking, resource sharing and collaboration with a goal of increasing culturally relevant mental health supports in the Pittsburgh area.
All are welcome. Please join us if you are:
a therapist interested in working with clients from cultures other than your own people or for whom English is not their preferred language.
a service provider seeking MH resources for a multicultural patient / client population
a community member looking for resources or opportunities to collaborate on MH projects.